Upcoming EventsThe "Events" page has been created to inform our past, present, and future clients about upcoming boat shows and yachting events Navigator Yachts has on our calendar. This is the perfect opportunity to get together for a more personal meet-and-greet, as you come prepared with your family and friends, and your dreams.
As the American economy continues to improve, Navigator Yachts is anticipating expanding our domestic and international sales market to our growing audience. We have discussed ideas and incentives for clients and regional dealers, and look forward to making these announcements live once approved. Attending one of the Navigator/Californian Yachts planned events will ensure you the priviledge of saying, "I heard it first-hand- directly from the company". The first Navigator Rendezvous was held in Seatlle, Washington in 2006. The organizer owned a Navigator and understood the benefits of connecting other Navigator owners together. Over the years many folks have donated their time and money to ensure the success of the annual Rendezvous. If you are an even organizer and do not see your event on Navigator Yachts timeline, please feel free to contact Navigator Yachts at (951) 657-2117, or email: with your event information. We look forward to hearing from you, and establishing an efficient means of networking and support. |
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